Today, XJS high school students and secondary school teachers joined in celebrating the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola during the student assembly. The simple celebration was facilitated by Ms. Vann Sokchea and Mr. Rith Layheng. With love and kindness, Ms. Sokchea guided the students through a moment of tranquility — contemplation and invited them to reflect on how God works in each one of us every day, to assess our own feelings and emotions, to appreciate and be thankful to the graces we receive, and to live out our purpose in this world every single day.
After the meditation, the students commemorated the significance of St. Ignatius to our school and to them as students of a Jesuit school. Mr. Layheng highlighted on one of the common objectives of every Jesuit school — to inspire the students’ minds and hearts to live purposeful and fulfilling lives of leadership and service to others, leading to a better world. The same goal St. Ignatius lived out all throughout his life.
members of XJS-Secondary School Choir performed a sweet harmonious rendition of “As the Deer” both in Khmer and English. The song performance was both calming and uplifting, an excellent way for both students and teachers mark the start of the week.
Best wishes from all at Xavier Jesuit School – Cambodia to all our Jesuit friends and companions across the world. From our students and staff, “Happy Feast of St. Ignatius!”