On Monday the 12th of December 2016, the Grade 7 students were relocated to their new classrooms. They were led by Mr. Rath, our high school principal, walking out of the old classroom and into the new ones today. The 8 new classrooms took almost eight months to complete and our grade 7 students have been looking forward to this special day. They were thrilled to be using the new classrooms for the first time today. Also, for the very first time, each student gets his/her own desk and chair. They were so excited and grateful to be the first group of students to use these classrooms for their learning activity. Seven of the eight new classrooms have been funded by Joy of Sharing Korea and the other classroom has been funded by a Catholic Community in Seoul Korea. Mr. Muok Rath, our high school principal remarks “I have never seen such classrooms like these in a school before. It is such a nice environment for the students to study in and for us teachers to teach in.”