From the 9-14th of November 2014, two Presentation Sisters from their Congregation Leadership Team visited the new Jesuit education project. They had just visited their mission in Fang in Thailand where their Indian and Pakistani sisters work with the PIME fathers. Fr. Ashley had invited them to join with the Jesuits in the education project last year when he was back home in Ireland. Sr. Julie Watson and Sr. Anne O’Leary landed in Siem Reap airport on the 9th of November. Sr. Julie spent 24 years teaching in Pakistan and Sr. Anne spent many years in the Philippines and the United States. On the 10th of November, Ms. Srey Mom brought the two sisters to visit a remote primary school constructed and supported by Jesuit Service Cambodia. On the 11th of November, Ms. Sok Eng brought the sisters to visit projects for the disabled in Banteay Meanchey province. The students at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Sisophon welcomed the sisters that evening. On the 12th of November, Bishop Kike, welcomed the two sisters to the Annual Pastoral Gathering of the Battambang Prefecture. There they met Sr. Lakana of the Salesian Sisters, Sr. Sopheak and Sr. Simone of the Providence Sisters and many others. They shared meals and long discussions with Bishop Kike and Fr. Indon. They will make no decision about possible cooperation with the Jesuits on the new education proejct until March 2015. Facebook : Xavier Jesuit School Cambodia