On Saturday the 30th of August 2014, from 8.00 to 9.20 a.m., sixty-six parents or guardians of the “Summer School” students braved the rain and mud to attend parent-teacher meeting in Teuk Thla middle school. Ms. Phon Sonai presented the pedagogical program of the “Summer School” and then invited the parents to sit with the teacher responsible for the class in which their son or daughter was studying to answer one question together. In some cases, grandparents, aunts or uncles came to represent the absent parents. They participated enthusiastically and shared their responses with the wider group. The questions centred on how to facilitate deeper cooperation between home and school in the years ahead to improve the young people’s learning process. Many parents commented that this was the first time that they had been invited to express themselves on the topic. The Principal of Teuk Thla Middle school, Mr. Vong Sokhon congratulated all the parents, teachers and the Jesuit Service Cambodia NGO for demonstrating clearly what is possible with only a little more cooperation than usual. Facebook : Xavier Jesuit School Cambodia