On the 11th of September 2019, Mr. Chheng Mab, coordinator of the Bomnin Program from the Pastoral Prefecture of Battambang, gave a full day workshop on Child Protection to Xavier Jesuit School Cambodia.
Xavier Jesuit School is an education institution that is committed to protecting children and vulnerable adults that are in our care, from harm. Henceforth annually, our teachers and staff undergo a professional development on child protection before the start of a new academic school year.
Mr. Mab helped address important and sensitive issues related to Child Protection in a Cambodian context as well as helped to raise an awareness to some cultural norms which Khmer staff are required to adhere to when working with young people under their care at XJS. These important issues can be utilized at a school level and also in their own homes and local communities.
Hence, it was a fruitful and valuable workshop with many questions and experiences shared by all the XJS teachers and staff on the day.