Home > News > Construction of Triple Classroom begins
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On the 30th of June 2017, piling began for the triple classroom block which will be added to the four double classroom blocks constructed last year. Mr. Chatchawarn, our Technical Supervisor, meets regularly with Mr. Vannarith, the Director of the Ideal Construction Company Ltd. to monitor the technical details of the construction work.   This new building means that the Primary School will have eleven normal classrooms.  Later in July we will start the construction of two special classrooms, one for Art and one for Music.  The work on the bathrooms has reached the stage of construction of the roof beams while the work on the canteen is still at the stage of construction of the columns.  In the future we will have two classes in each grade from grades three to six but we will only have one class each of grade one and two as the Dey Lo campus has also one class of grade one and two.  When the primary students of Dey Lo reach grade three, they will cross over to the Phnom Bak campus.

