Home > News > Village meeting at the local Buddhist Pagoda

On the 12th of February 2015 at 8.00 a.m., 110 villagers from Phnom Bak, Teuk Thla and Dey Lo gathered at the local pagoda for a meeting with the school team presided over by the commune chief in the presence of the representative of the Buddhist monks.  Ms. Phon Sonai explained that the purpose of this meeting was to learn from the concrete experience of the local people about the training and education programs that could help the local youth population.   After Fr. Ashley shared about the construction of the Community Learning Centre, the villagers met with their local village chiefs to discuss this matter.  They prepared a summary list of suggestions which they then shared with the larger group.  At the end of the meeting, the local commune chief emphasized that the programs in the new Community Learning Centre would benefit from the involvement of the local people who had expertise to offer in different areas.  He encouraged them to put their names down on the list of local volunteers.  Four villagers volunteered to help start these programs. Facebook: Xavier Jesuit School Cambodia

