On the
23rd and 24th of November 2014, Mr. Suon Chhean, a civil engineer from a different building company, carried out a site inspection of the piling work for the foundations of the Community Learning Centre/Teacher Resource Centre being built by Mr. Hok’s HOKO DB Company. Fr. Ashley organised this inspection on the advice of Br. Nguyen as the 5 metre piles were only passing through the land-fill into the natural ground underneath to a maximum depth of 2.5 metres. Some piles did not even pass completely through the land-fill as the natural ground underneath was so hard. Mr. Chhean found that the alignment of the piles was inaccurate in some places and that the concrete of some piles was cast too recently. Accordingly he asked for all piling work to be stopped for three days while a test on the quality of every single pile was conducted. The test has been completed. So even though Mr. Chhean has allowed the piling to continue on the 28th of November, his final report will recommend a revised design for the foundations to support the Community Learning Centre/Teacher Resource Centre. Facebook: Xavier Jesuit School Cambodia