On Monday the 4th of August 2014 at 10.00 a.m., with the cooperation of the local constructor, we conducted a test of the quality of the two back roads on our school site. A large truck with a full load of heavy wet soil (30 cubic metres) drove slowly along the road, back and forth, four times. The surface of the road moved slightly but there was minimal subsidence and deformation of the road structure. The reasons for this test was that the site inspection report that the XJSP (Xavier Jesuit School Project) commissioned from a civil engineer at the end of June had indicated a serious problem. His report noted that the construction of the two back roads on our site lacked adequate compaction of the mountain earth. After discussion, the constructor agreed to conduct this test along these two roads before receiving any further payments. During July, the company worked hard to correct the problem and the test showed that their work was satisfactory. Facebook : Xavier Jesuit School Cambodia